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Ofsted Inspection

Zebras Afterschool Playscheme received a ‘good’ report in their recent inspection with regards to the Early Years Register (reception children), with all aspects of the provision being judged as ‘strong’.

“Children’s individual needs are well met through effective teamwork and successful links with their school and parents.

“Throughout the session staff interact with interest and are responsive to children’s requests. As a result, children are all fully involved in activities and enjoy attending the club.”

“Children enjoy a good balance of play provision and activities within a well resourced environment. This allows them space to play and to access toys easily to promote independent play.”

“Staff have a good understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage, which they use to plan and promote fun and active sessions, whilst also supporting childrens learning and development successfully.”

“Children arrive happy and energetic from school. They settle in quickly, choosing toys and suggesting their own ideas for activities. They remain active and involved, foccussing well in their play throughout the session. Children express themselves confidently.”

Children feel safe and secure within the group and move about freely and with confidence, both inside and out. They are closely supervised without hindering their independence.”

Children’s development is monitored and promoted successfully, with their interests supported well. They benefit from a safe and fun environment and are developing a good sense of self. They are fully included in all areas of the provision. As a result, children are making a good start through the Early Years Foundation Stage. The setting is committed to supporting children to participate and express their views.”

Zebras Out of School Club Ofsted Inspection report 15-11-11

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