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New Holiday Playscheme Service makes a great start!

After consultation with local childcare providers & families, Zebras were awarded a Surestart grant to set-up an affordable playcare service for working parents in the local area.

Starting Easter 2012, the service opened to children aged 4-13yrs, from 8.00am-6.00pm, offering a wide range of freeplay opportunities & adult-led fun. Both children & parents/carer’s judged it to be a runaway success!

"It wasn't just was amazing!"

"It was great fun...I loved the dance sessions!"

"Can't wait to come's so much fun!"

"My sons enjoyed the freedom to run and play outside when they wanted to!"

"I can't believe how many resources were on offer, for such a reasonable price!"

"My son made a birdbox and joined in the multisport sessions"

'My daughter couldn't wait to come....she jumped out of bed really early, got herself dressed and kept asking when it was time to go!'

‘The holiday club perfectly compliments the after school care provided and its great to be able to send my kids to someone they know and trust already during the holidays. The programme was great and they were really excited about spending a whole day at Zebras! Its also good to see you’ve got the reception class keyworkers involved which helped my youngest child settle in.’

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